Welcome to Troon.EU
This page is an extension to the Troon.ORG site. My name is Peter Troon. I was born on
Thursday October 24, 1974 in Paramaribo, the capital of Republic of Suriname. In 1985 I moved to the Amsterdam, the Netherlands where I still live.
Troon is the Dutch word for throne. It's not likely that my family name is derived from that word, because as far as I know Troon is not a common family name within the Netherlands. All of the persons with that name within the Netherlands are related to me in a way. Troon is also the name of a small town in Scotland, U.K.
During the colonial era there were many English persons in Suriname. Several times Suriname was owned by England. So it's very possible that my last name has to do with people who came from Troon area in Scotland.
The Republic of Suriname is a small country in South-America. It's located north of Brazil, next to Guyana and French Guiana. North of Suriname is the Atlantic Ocean. The capital of Suriname is Paramaribo. Suriname was a colony of the Netherlands, but became independent on November 25, 1975. After that Suriname experienced some difficulties, but Suriname is working hard on its own development. Please visit Peter Troon's Suriname pages to learn more about this interesting country. |
Heel veel informatie op deze site is ook in het Nederlands beschikbaar. Met name over de Republiek Suriname is er nogal wat informatie beschikbaar. Deze site bevat ook foto's van Suriname. Peter heeft indertijd ook twee artikelen over Suriname geschreven. |
European Union
The European flag is the symbol of the European Union and of Europe's unity and identity in a wider sense. The circle of gold stars represents solidarity and harmony between the peoples of Europe. Unlike many people think, the number of stars has nothing to do with the number of Member States. The number twelve is traditionally the symbol of perfection, completeness and unity. Think of the 12 apostles of Jesus for instance. |
Send e-mail to: pajtroon@dds.nl.
This page: Copyright © 2006 - 2025 Peter A. J. Troon
Note: This page available since April, 8th 2006 and is part of the Peter Troon Site.